We work closely with local and international stakeholders in the fields of research data management and research software. Our collaborations range from concrete cooperation in research projects to cooperation and networking with initiatives in the field of research software development (deExternal link/intExternal link) and research data management (RDMExternal link).
We support you in your research project!
We support you in your research project, especially in all digital aspects, from the application phase to the publication of research results and data, both in small individual projects and in large collaborative projects. In addition to short term consultancy, we can also second our staff to your project for short term collaboration or longer term involvement.
Areas in which we can provide expertise include
- Project planning and applying for third-party funding,
- Development of a research data policy,
- Providing expertise on a specific topic, such as data analysis data or research software development,
- Data documentation and publication according to the FAIR principles.
We work closely with the University’s service units such as the URZ, the SFT, the legal department de or the ThULBExternal link.
If you are interested in collabating with us on your research project, please contact us!